Mar 16, 2024, 6:26 AM

How to integrate facebook login using Swayauth facebook api

Integrate facebook login on your web and mobile app, using swayauth.


To integrate facebook login / register, redirect user to Swayauth authentication url with <client_id>, which is your organisation token id, generated from the Swayauth dashboard, as the URL parameter on the link below to identify your application ie.


After a successful redirect to facebook authentication page, and authentication is completed. Swayauth will redirect back to the redirect_url provided while creating an organisation token, attached to specified redirect_url URL parameters are:

1. status: this can be true for successful authentication and false for failed authentication.

2. message: OK for successful authentication and a short message specifying what went wrong in a failed attempt.

3. intent: for this purpose intent is login 

4. access_token: user decodable jwt token

5. refresh_token: user decodable jwt token

UI modification

To remove Swayauth alert while redirecting to facebook authentication page, an alert=off can be added to URL parameter. ie

Implement Popup

To implement popup window authentication and avoid leaving authorization page, check the blog post here.


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